زوبريم تيموثي ناتشورالز تيموثي تبن 14 أونصة (400 غرام)
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الحجم: 14 أونصةزوبريم تيموثي ناتشورالز تيموثي عبارة عن تبن صحي ومجفف بالشمس ويعتبر خيار رائع وسهل الهضم وصحي لحيوانك الأليف الصغير. تعليمات التغذية:يقدّم في أي وقت وتأكد من أن حيوانك الأليف لديه كميات وافرة من التبن كل يوم. تختلف كمية...
Dhs. 27.00
Timothy Naturals Rabbit Pellets 5lb (2.26kg)
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High-fiber daily nutrition for adult pet rabbits made with sun-cured timothy hay for healthy digestion. Feeding Directions:Feed approximately 1/4 cup per day for every 5 lbs. your adult rabbit weighs. Always provide fresh food and water. Adjust the amount fed...
Dhs. 63.00
AvianBreeder FruitBlend Large Parrots 40 lb (18.14kg)
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Balanced nutrition for health and reproduction in breeding birds. Proper balance of nutrients helps keep breeding stock healthy and productive. Less waste and labor than feeding fruits, vegetables and seed. Feeding Directions: Feed free choice in an amount that maintains...
Dhs. 472.00
AvianBreeder FruitBlend Parrots & Conures 40lb (18.14kg)
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Balanced nutrition for health and reproduction in breeding birds. Proper balance of nutrients helps keep breeding stock healthy and productive. Less waste and labor than feeding fruits, vegetables and seed. Feeding Directions: Feed free choice in an amount that maintains...
Dhs. 472.00
Pure Fun Parrots & Conures 2lb (0.91kg)
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Pure Fun Bird Food for parrots & conures is a premium blend of fruit, FruitBlend Flavor Smart Pellets, vegetables and nuts to help excite and enrich your pet bird. This blend includes a delicious mix of right-sized pieces for your...
Dhs. 85.00
Pure Fun Medium Birds 2lb (0.91kg)
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Pure Fun Bird Food for Medium Birds is a premium blend of vegetables, FruitBlend Flavor Smart Pellets, fruit and seeds to help excite and enrich your pet bird. This blend includes a delicious mix of right sized pieces for your...
Dhs. 70.00
FruitBlend Flavor Large Parrot Food
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FruitBlend Flavor with natural flavors provides healthy and delicious nutrition for everyday feeding for Amazons, Macaws, Cockatoos and other large parrots that prefer this pellet size. Feeding Directions:Feed based on recommended daily amounts indicated below. Adjust amounts to ensure your...
من Dhs. 70.00
FruitBlend Flavor for Medium Size Birds
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FruitBlend Flavor with natural flavors provides healthy and delicious nutrition for everyday feeding for Cockatiels, Quakers, Lovebirds, Small Conures and other medium birds that prefer this pellet size. Feeding Directions:Feed based on recommended daily amounts indicated below. Adjust amounts to...
من Dhs. 70.00
زوبريم مزيج غذاء من الفواكهة للببغاء متوسطة وكبيرة الحجم 3.5 رطل (1.59 كلغ)
من Dhs. 63.00
Dhs. 100.00
زوبريم مزيج غذاء من الفواكهة للببغاء متوسطة وكبيرة الحجم 3.5 رطل (1.59 كلغ)
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الحجم: 3.5 رطل هذا المزيج بنكهة الفاكهة الطبيعية هو غذاء صحي ولذيذة مليء بالعناصر الغذائية حيث يناسب التغذية اليومية لأنواع اللببغاوات المختلفة كالكونيور ، الكايك ، الرمادي الأفريقي ، سنغالس ، أمازونز ، إكلكتس ، كوكاتو صغير وغيرها من الببغاوات المتوسطة...
Dhs. 100.00
من Dhs. 63.00