Lily's Kitchen Chicken Recipe Puppy Food 400G
Dhs. 20.90
This tasty and wholesome complete and grain-free puppy food is made with delicious ingredients and beneficial herbs from nature's healing garden. These all provide the nutrition your growing puppy needs to be healthy and happy. Product Features: Each yummy serving is packed with tasty vegetables like organic potatoes, a...
This tasty and wholesome complete and grain-free puppy food is made with delicious ingredients and beneficial herbs from nature's healing garden. These all provide the nutrition your growing puppy needs to be healthy and happy.
Product Features:
- Each yummy serving is packed with tasty vegetables like organic potatoes, a source of potassium, and butternut squash, full of vitamins A & C.
- Also includes an unique blend of herbs to help provide optimum health benefits for your dog.
- Only real meat is used, with no rendered animal parts, carcass or derivatives, nothing genetically modified, no artificial preservatives, colours, or sweeteners.
- No wheat, corn or soya. Only wholesome meats, herbs, fruit and vegetables for a delicious, digestible food.
- Poultry builds lean muscle mass in dogs and delivers Omega 6 fatty acids that help sustain healthy skin and shiny coats.
- Freshly contained in an easy to open tin can
Technical details:
Size: 400 g
Pet life stage: Puppy, specially formulated for puppies up to 8 - 14 months
Breed recommendation: All dog breeds
Food Type: Wet